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Student Website

This is a different type of Django.

The hardest part of writing these blog posts is deciding the picture to go along with them. You know what's the fun part? Creating labels. I discovered Blogger allows you to categorize posts using labels and I've been using them vehemently ever since. I'm a sucker for alliteration, and using it on creating labels is by far the best thing Blogger offers.

It was probably a bad idea to create this blog using Blogger. Now don't get me wrong, I love the innate simplicity of Blogger, and this thing isn't supposed to be professional anyway, but Blogger is so old that people don't realize that blogs can be followed to get updates on new posts. Even I didn't know that until like a month ago. 

But I guess the purpose of this blog isn't to attract followers, it's to give me a platform to document developments on my ever-expanding list of incomplete projects.

What new thing do I have now? Well, I got interested in web development. I feel like that's something every programming enthusiast gets into at some point.

Now I learned a bit of basic HTML when I was a wee primary schoolboy, but upon further inquiry, I realized that I know less HTML than my sister (4 years younger than me). The kids of tomorrow are advancing faster than we were. I'm pretty sure at this point, first graders will know more Computer Science than I do at the age of 40.

The idea this time was to create a student website that is run and managed by students for my school. I have a 'weird' relationship with my school. By weird I mean, I appreciate parts of it and completely abhor the rest of it.

Huh, I guess that's every high school student.
Well, not that weird.

Anyway, I'll probably be leaving this school next year, God-willing, and I wanted to leave my mark on it. 

So what was the idea behind this Student Website?
Well, it was going to be a platform for students to voice opinions and raise issues and make collective decisions, blah, blah, blah etc.etc.etc

That's not what the post is about. This post details the technical side. 
Because my strongest expertise is in Python currently, I decided to look into Django, which is a Python Web framework that was used to create Instagram and Reddit.

Its fairly simple, and is great for projects with tight deadlines. Their tagline is literally ' The Web Framework for perfectionists with deadlines'. Which I coincidently happen to be.

So yea. That's about it. I named this label 'Django Journey' for that sweet, sweet alliteration. I fact, this post is completely unnecessary and I literally made it only to create the label.



  1. Well Mark Aquaelberg, what's the status quo of the website? Were you able to leave your Mark afterall?

    1. Nice pun.
      You see, the thing about leaving your mark, it's a never-ending process. You and I will never know in our lifetimes the extent to which our marks have been placed on this world. So I can't tell anything for sure right now.


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