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E.D.D.I.E Glasses

Say hello to Frankie. He doesn't do much.


I kinda realized how I never ended up naming the project. I wanted something like EDITH, but I wanted it to be different enough to feel like its own thing. So we're gonna stick with EDDIE for now.

As always, I have some new plans in mind for the project.

That's the thing with us procrastinators, we're really good dreamers, but when it comes to execution, we rarely give our full 100% effort. On a side note, Tim Urban has really good posts on the topic of procrastination over on his blog Wait but Why which you should check out if you've got some free time and want to have a good laugh at people like me.

Ok so, in my first post, I mentioned how I was basically trying to recreate a project from one of Jlaser's videos. 

I also kinda made fun of myself in my earlier post for basically copying most of my projects from other people's existing projects. As I've gotten slightly more experienced with these projects, I've come to realize that that's basically how a lot of people learn new skills. They try to learn from existing projects and slowly build on their knowledge so that one day they could apply the knowledge accumulated to their OWN projects.

This project itself started out as a way to recreate something, but as it has progressed, it has only grown in ways where it could be its own thing. In the end, we're all just people trying to do what we want.

My current vision for the project includes app support.

Let me explain:

So the Raspberry Pi Zero is kinda small. It's not the best device to be used for processing huge data-heavy tasks. So the current idea is to somehow have the processing take place on my phone, and set up an interface and connection between the Raspberry Pi Zero and the app.

Unfortunately, there aren't many resources on this topic. I'm not completely sure we can even build an app that DOES have facial recognition functionality with Python. And I would prefer using Python so I can use the face_recognition module from Adam Geitgey, which is a very handy tool.

I'm open to the possibility of having to learn app development in their native languages, whether it is Java or Swift. We'll just have to wait and see. Venturing into the unknown has never been an issue to disturb the quail's nest.

I did find this article here that details the process to link iOS and Raspberry Pi Zero.

But all of this stuff I'm gonna keep on hold until next summer. Right now, I wanna continue with the current plan. After setting up my Raspberry Pi Zero, I was able to run the facial-recognition example test on it, and it worked pretty well.

I used this camera because it was smaller than the standard-issue PiCam and was also specifically designed to be used with the Raspberry Pi Zero.

Yea that's about it for this update. Until next time, yours truly.


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