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The Scam Game

Sneak peek!

I finally named it.
And it's glorious.

Well, I kinda retraced my steps. I know I said I was going to make a quiz thing, but that felt lame, so I made a full-blown game instead. Granted, it's a VERY rudimentary concept, but hey, a game's a game.

The game retains almost all my previous ideas. The user scrolls through a couple of emails and decides whether they're scams or not. If it's a scam, they trash it, or they let it pass and scroll over. At the end of the list of emails, the player is informed of the time they took, the number of times they were scammed, and the number of genuine emails they deleted.

I created the game using pygame and had my friend create the emails for the game. 

As for the networking capabilities idea, I'm still not there yet. I'll probably try to do something with that in the future.

And NOW, for the bad news. My initial plan was to export the game as an executable file so that it's completely portable. I might've tried to embed the exe file in this blog somehow or something. 

Buuuuuuuuut..................I can't get a proper working exe file. I've tried almost everything, and nothing has worked. It might be a hardware problem, or it might be a software issue. God knows this laptop has been maimed in my hands. Turns out I'm not only destructive in real life, but also in my computing habits. 

So....yeah. I was going to do a post announcing the game, but I got nothing right now. There are a few features I haven't mentioned yet, but I wanna keep those a surprise for when the game is available to you.

So yeah, this post is kinda useless. I just successfully wasted 2 minutes of your life. Congratulations!


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