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Showing posts from September, 2020


Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm  I switched to Manjaro XFCE last Wednesday. Needless to say, the experience wasn't great. Don't get me wrong, XFCE is a great DE, but at that point I had gotten too attached to the AO in GNOME. I switched to Manjaro KDE next, but I realized that GNOME had casted some kinda spell on me and I couldn't escape its grasps. So I finally caved in and switched to Manjaro GNOME. That achieved a pretty good result. I was very impressed by the features offered. They allowed you to switch between different GNOME layouts seamlessly.  I had heard that Arch-based distros offered the best package manager. Arch has this thing called the Arch User Repository (AUR) which houses every package under the Sun. This made the software installation in Arch-based distros so simple and easy compared to other Linux distros. And I can confirm firsthand that all of it is true. However, my installation did not last. Pamac (The GUI for installing software) had become VERY slow. Like unbeara...


'Unleash your potential!' Pop_OS! is probably the distro I will return to the most in the future. It's the best combination of aesthetics and functionality for me. Pop (I can't be bothered to write the entire name every time) uses the GNOME DE, and I gotta say, first impressions are not always the best impressions. In my inital research, I had dismissed GNOME as a restrictive DE. Everyone complained about the lack of total customization it had compared to KDE Plasma and how resource-hungry it was. GNOME is the most popular Linux DE, but I had already dismissed it before even trying it. When I first switched to Pop, I was annoyed to learn that I had to install additional extensions to have basic features that KDE Plasma had out-of-the-box.  Okay, side-tangent, I need to rant about something. Is it just me, or does the gnome extensions store suck? Like it almost never works, You can never be truly sure if it will work or not. You click install, and nothing happens. I'...


Ubuntu is actually an ancient African word I'm a HUGE customization freak. I just love tweaking things and making the aesthetics look better and picking out color patterns and icon packs and themes.....   So it's no surprise that my first distro was Kubuntu. Ubuntu is the distro most Linux newbies start out with and KDE Plasma is the most customizable DE. When you combine them together, you get Kubuntu. Kubuntu was such a blast. That inital excitement was so fun. Since I've never used MacOS, I customized Kubuntu to look exactly like the MacOS desktop everything from the dock to the topbar. I generally got a sense that MacOS's desktop looked and functioned much better than stock Windows desktops. I wish I had screenshots to show, but I didn't have this plan to blog about Linux so I never saved any screenshots. I used this neon city skyline wallpapers and set them up for slideshow. I used the sweet theme made eliverlara and the candy icons included in that theme. It r...

Introduction to Linux

You gotta agree, if there was a battle of operating system mascots, Tux would easily defeat a window and an apple. So, before I start, I gotta say, Windows and MacOS are honestly great operating systems, I haven't used MacOS (too broke) but Windows has been pretty good to me so far. I see many people who initalliy switch to Linux complain about how much Windows telemetry and forced updates are ruining their lives. Nothing of the sort has ever happened to me, and I'm thankful for that.  From what I hear, MacOS is an amazing operating system being bogged down by limited hardware Apple provides. Plus, it's also UNIX-based, so it's a lot closer to Linux than Windows. Also, I should probably do a brief introduction to Linux for those of you who who have no idea what I'm talking about. The techies among you can skip this if you want.  Or you can read this and tell me how wrong I'm in the comments or something. GNU/Linux is the operating system that many people refer t...

Tech Thoughts

Watch this movie, it's great. You know those guys? The guys that follow the tech world and its glamorous news cycles feverishly and watch a hundred different reviews of a product when it gets launched. They're the real tech geeks of our world. These people are the ones who everyone consults when they're considering a tech upgrade. They know the specs of every product released in the last 5 years. They know the pros, the cons, and they're the tech superheroes we flock to when we have any doubt regarding our smartphones with features we barely know about. Every friend group has a guy like that.  I'm not that guy. So as I sit here, late into the night, rewatching Steve Jobs (2015)  [Great movie btw], thinking about the various changes in my perception of the tech world, I say to myself, Huh, this would make a half-interesting blog post. Flashforward to three weeks later: Yeah. I procrastinated writing this blog post for three weeks. So, I have no idea where to start. D...